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YouTube Channel Statistics Applied Robotics

@appliedrobotics Visit Applied Robotics on YouTube

Engagement Score

Show more info icon Proprietary Tubics Metric: This metric is calculated based on the channel's views, likes, comments, and subscribers.

Position in the industry:
Machine Tool Accessories




View Count


Video Count

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YouTube Statistics for Machine Tool Accessories

Applied Robotics YouTube channel avatar Industry Average Best in class
Upload Frequency
0 per month

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Video Length
2 min.
5 min.

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Subscriber Growth
+3.41 %
+0.37 %
+0.67 %

Content Territory

A list of keywords & their search volume that your competitors rank well for, but you currently do not.

robotics automation end of arm tooling
manufacturing solutions industry 4.0 factory floor
grippers vices material handling
assembly line efficiency process optimization quality control
food processing packaging and labeling meat poultry
automotive life sciences general industry
mexico pacific rim australia new zealand india south africa europe asia
manufacturing marvels capital region business beat time warner cable


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