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Position in the industry: Food Retailers & Supermarkets
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3 per month
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lidl gb
foodie recipes
wine tasting
spring vibes
recipe inspiration
cooking with lidl
grocery shopping tips
budget friendly meals
uk food scene
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Lidl GB's channel is a treasure trove of diverse cuisine and catering to those who prefer their food made fresh. Lidl GB offers a variety of recipes and demonstrates dishes with Mediterranean themes, ...
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like millions of eggs in Parmesan basil sauce or langostino and artichoke paella - showing its commitment to quality, innovation and flair for the unusual.
The team at Lidl GB share a passion for food that's infectious as they showcase videos designed to inspire viewers to try new dishes in their own kitchens. The recipes offered by Lidl here range from Dan Dan noodles and langostino and artichoke paella, more elaborate dishes with refined tastes but all appealingly accessible.
Lidl GB also uses its YouTube channel to demonstrate local and environmental contributions as well as the steps it takes to ensure freshness, safety and traceability of ingredients - a message that resonates with consumers.
The videos are beautifully produced showing detail in preparation techniques, emphasizing cooking isn't for everyone but anyone can make these dishes Lidl GB materials provide inspiration from the source: food-lovers and customers themselves who want to see their food made anew.
Lidl GB wants its YouTube channel to demonstrate that it takes quality seriously; freshness, safety, traceability are all fundamental components of what makes Lidl's food forever unparalleled in terms of quality.