1 The King’s Guards Channel (fan account) Subscribers Subscribers Change Country Description Content Teritory 445K + 11.53 %
United Kingdom - changing of the guard
royal motorcade, "king charles", queen, british pageantry]
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2 Miami Police Department Subscribers Subscribers Change Country Description Content Teritory 243K + 0 %
United States - world baseball classic
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3 Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Subscribers Subscribers Change Country Description Content Teritory 120K + 0.84 %
United States Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department's YouTube channel is an essential resource for anyone interested in law enforcement, public safety and the workings of one of America’s most iconic cities. The department has over 5,800 officers and a commitment to serving its more than two million residents, including through social media channels like YouTube. The channel offers a range of content from officer-involved shooting briefings to community events that provide local residents with entertaining leisure time activities to cold case investigations and behind the scenes stories. LVMPD's #4 video for 2024 also gives us an in-depth look into how they handle these types of incidents, while Cracking the Cold Case: A 40-Year-Old Mystery Solved shows their enthusiasm to solve longstanding cases. And Hip Hop Entrepreneurship Program Graduation Grant Sawyer Middle School May 2024 and SPECIAL DAY AT THE LAS VEGAS BALLPARK! highlights the department's involvement in its community, demonstrating just how committed Las Vegas Police Department is to serving residents. While some videos may be boastful, overall, the YouTube channel of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department offers valuable information for anyone looking to study public safety and police work. The LVMPD YouTube channel has likely evolved over time as an entity or individual within the department grows with it and relates to the day-to-day operations of leading law enforcement agencies in America. If you are a serious fan, or just someone who wants to learn more about police organizations, then the LVMPD YouTube channel is for you. ``
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4 Los Angeles Police Department Subscribers Subscribers Change Country Description Content Teritory 81K + 1.26 %
United States - los angeles police department
traffic collision investigation
officer involved shooting
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5 Pierce County Sheriff's Department Subscribers Subscribers Change Country Description Content Teritory 63K + 1.61 %
United States - pierce county sheriff's department
dui stop turns into foot pursuit
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6 PhoenixPolice Subscribers Subscribers Change Country Description Content Teritory 61K + 0 %
United States - school resource officer
diversity and inclusion
transparency in government
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7 Houston Police Subscribers Subscribers Change Country Description Content Teritory 56K + 0.18 %
United States -
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8 GRKTV -Gendarmerie Royale Khmere Subscribers Subscribers Change Country Description Content Teritory 55K + 0.18 %
United States -
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9 New Zealand Police Subscribers Subscribers Change Country Description Content Teritory 54K + 0.37 %
New Zealand - become a police officer
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10 West Midlands Police Subscribers Subscribers Change Country Description Content Teritory 54K + 1.13 %
United Kingdom "West Midlands Police" provides information on crime prevention, policing and community safety efforts in videos and posts. The videos showcase the work of officers tackling serious crimes from CCTV footage to witness appeals such as "Harry's Story #NotComingHome" or "Kevin Lomas murder: New CCTV released as fresh appeal launched to catch killer three years on."
The videos are available for viewers and showcase cases of burglary victims who have been robbed and unable to return home, such as in the #LifeOrKnife campaign or "Lock it check it Theft from vehicles advice" which provides information about protecting personal property.
All the videos by West Midlands Police are packaged with professionalism and community safety, providing viewers with details on how police protection works and how to engage them in communication.
The videos by West Midlands Police are essential for anyone living or visiting their jurisdiction, regardless of whether they feel safe knowing that the police can help them at any time.
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11 Orange County Sheriff's Office Subscribers Subscribers Change Country Description Content Teritory 53K + 0.19 %
United States - orange county sheriff
florida law enforcement
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12 East Lansing Police Subscribers Subscribers Change Country Description Content Teritory 46K + 0 %
United States -
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13 Flagler County Sheriff's Office Subscribers Subscribers Change Country Description Content Teritory 43K + 1.18 %
United States - flagler county sheriff's office
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14 PhiladelphiaPolice Subscribers Subscribers Change Country Description Content Teritory 40K + 0.25 %
United States - crime scene investigation
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15 Metropolitan Police Subscribers Subscribers Change Country Description Content Teritory 37K + 3.67 %
United Kingdom - right carer right person
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16 Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office Subscribers Subscribers Change Country Description Content Teritory 36K + 0.28 %
United States - palm beach county sheriffs office
therapy dogs in action
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17 Volusia Sheriff's Office Subscribers Subscribers Change Country Description Content Teritory 33K + 0 %
United States - volusia sheriffs office
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18 Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Subscribers Subscribers Change Country Description Content Teritory 33K + 0.3 %
United States - los angeles sheriffs department
sheriff department news
california law enforcement
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19 Chicago Police Subscribers Subscribers Change Country Description Content Teritory 31K + 5.02 %
United States - national police week
homicide investigation
armed and felonious assault
aggravated battery with firearm
st jude memorial march
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20 Indiana State Police Information Channel Subscribers Subscribers Change Country Description Content Teritory 28K + 0.73 %
United States - grave and location memorial
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21 Victoria Police Subscribers Subscribers Change Country Description Content Teritory 25K + 0.4 %
Australia -
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22 Metropolitan Nashville Police Department Subscribers Subscribers Change Country Description Content Teritory 24K + 0.83 %
United States - detectives of metropolitan nashville
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23 CambridgeshirePolice Subscribers Subscribers Change Country Description Content Teritory 23K + 12.2 %
United Kingdom CambridgeshirePolice is a YouTube channel that documents the work of Cambridgeshire Constabulary, which is responsible for policing in the English county. The account posts videos showing their officers' activities including drug raids and numerous arrests for burglaries.
The broadcasts give an insight into their daily lives by showing unedited footage that shows various pursuits, stops and searches to keep society safe and uphold justice while serving the community.
Overall, anyone interested in this police force's work should check out this channel as it is a true crime story with everyday stories from officers and communities.
Moreover, they showcase how valuable an officer committed to showing genuineness and honesty can be. And we see that the constabulary are policemen who dedicate themselves honestly and sincerely in everything they do, making sure society stays safe by being truthful and sincere about all their work. We see that the constabulary are policemen who dedicate themselves honestly and sincerely in everything they do, making sure society stays safe by being truthful and sincere about all their work. They show us how valuable an officer committed to showing genuineness and honesty can be. And we see that the constabularies are policemen who dedicate themselves honestly and sincerely in everything they do, making sure society stays safe by being truthful and sincere about all their work
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24 TheHonoluluPD Subscribers Subscribers Change Country Description Content Teritory 23K + 0.44 %
United States - honolulu police department
law and order in hawaii
maui crime scene investigation
pearl harbor memorial walk
first responders appreciation day
criminal investigation division
honolulu police recruit class
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25 TheNSWPolice Subscribers Subscribers Change Country Description Content Teritory 21K + 0.98 %
Australia - new south wales police
australian law enforcement
traffic and highway patrol
attestation of class 361
christmas and new year road traffic safety
national police remembrance day
international dog day
pulse rugby league carnival
creating positive culture conference
sydney world pride 2023
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26 Baltimore Police Subscribers Subscribers Change Country Description Content Teritory 20K + 1.55 %
United States - empowerment through service
hispanic heritage month
breast cancer awareness
police involved shooting
homicide investigation
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27 SA Police News Subscribers Subscribers Change Country Description Content Teritory 19K + 0 %
Australia - australian law enforcement
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28 Thames Valley Police Subscribers Subscribers Change Country Description Content Teritory 19K + 0.54 %
United Kingdom -
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29 Durham Constabulary Subscribers Subscribers Change Country Description Content Teritory 17K + 3.77 %
United Kingdom -
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30 Atlanta Police Department Subscribers Subscribers Change Country Description Content Teritory 16K + 0.61 %
United States - atlanta police department
local law enforcement
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